On 27 October, the UN General Assembly's Disarmament and Security Committee voted for negotiations in 2017 on a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, with momentous consequences for Trident renewal. by Rebecca Johnson via OpenDemocracy Over 71 years after atomic...
UN First Committee Resolution L.41
The UN vote will take place today, October 27th 2016. Â The UK, France and US have been at the forefront of opposition, having boycotted previous UN working groups on multilateral nuclear disarmament in 2013 and 2016, but if at least 100 UN member states vote in...
European Parliament votes support of UN nuclear prohibition treaty
The European Parliament of a Green/ALE initiated resolution on ’nuclear security and nonproliferation’ which was overwhelmingly passed today (27 Oct 2016) by 415 votes in favour, with 124 against and 74 abstentions. Article below via ICAN...
UN votes to commence nuclear ban treaty negotiations in 2017 – ICAN
by ICAN The United Nations today adopted a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament efforts. At a meeting of the...
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson urged to participate in multilateral disarmament progress at the UN
by Jon Stone via The Independent Boris Johnson has been urged to back a United Nations initiative to restart efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Groups including Greenpeace UK, CND, and Quakers in Britain wrote to the Foreign Secretary to ask him to...
A Silent Battle of Power
The United Nations General Assembly adopts countless resolutions on nuclear weapons, every year. But this year something was different. At the UN headquarters in New York, a significant battle over nuclear weapons took place. by Beatrice Fihn via Huffpost Politics...
More countries back UN statement on nuclear disarmament
A joint statement on nuclear disarmament was delivered at a U.N. General Assembly committee meeting Monday, drawing support from more than 150 countries including Japan, the broadest international backing among the five similar documents issued so far at the United...