[embeddoc url="https://new.acronym.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Nuclear-Ban-Treaty-briefing-UKparl.pdf" download="all"]
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Hiroshima: do the British Members of Parliament remember?
When Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May said she'd press the nuclear button during the July 18 vote on Trident, what does that mean on the 71st anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing? Trident Part 2. Trident Part 1. by Rebecca Johnson via OpenDemocracy During the...
Trident in a time warp: party politics vs defence needs
by Rebecca Johnson via OpenDemocracy As Britain and Europe reeled from Brexit Theresa May rushed through the vote on Trident replacement. Was this strong leadership or our human security being sacrificed to expediency? Part 1. In her first parliamentary debate as...
Briefing for MPs: Trident – Worse than irrelevant
[embeddoc url="https://new.acronym.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Trident-briefing-pdf-July-2016-.pdf" download="all"]