Commissioned by the European Leadership Network and published on 29 April 2019 as states parties to the NPT meet at the UN in New York, Rebecca Johnson's article considers the political and diplomatic challenges that the PrepCom will need to address. To download this...
Women, security and banning nuclear weapons
This powerpoint presentation on "Women, security and banning nuclear weapons" was given by Rebecca Johnson to an audience of students and interested members of the public on 21 February 2019, at the School of Oriental and African Students (SOAS), University of London....
House of Lords NPT Submission
Submission to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry on the NPT and nuclear disarmament. Written evidence submitted by Dr Rebecca Johnson on behalf of the Acronym Institute January 2019. To download this PDF please click on the link below:...
NPT and UN Nuclear Ban: Friends not Rivals
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Nuclear Weapons Policy Liaison Group – Update 22nd June 2015
Select committee update A full list of winning candidates for select committee chair is now available online. Treasury - Mr Andrew Tyrie Backbench business - Ian Mearns Defence - Dr Julian Lewis Foreign Affairs - Crispin Blunt Media watch 15th June 2015 SIPRI...
Parliamentary Update 9th June 2015
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A new generation: taking over the reins of nuclear abolition
The Third International Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons (HINW) opens in Vienna today, with arguments for humanitarian disarmament gathering speed. This time the UK and the US will attend. What will be the likely outcome? by Rebecca Johnson...
The Necessity to Reduce and Eliminate Nuclear Threats and Weapons in the Middle East and Internationally
Water, Energy and the Arab Awakening by the Interaction Council Chapter 16 by Rebecca Johnson [embeddoc url="" download="all"]Â
Written Evidence for the House of Commons Defence Select Committee On Deterrence and the changing role and requirements for security
by Rebecca Johnson [embeddoc url="" download="all"]
To eliminate WMD we need to disarm patriarchy
Civil society must stop the use of chemical weapons being used as a pretext for US-led bombing in Syria. A gendered understanding demonstrates that the only sustainable strategy is to pursue disarmament and strengthen international humanitarian law. by Rebecca Johnson...