International Ban Treaty

UN talks to ban nuclear weapons: what can they achieve?
What should the nuclear ban treaty include – and what difference does it make, if nuclear-armed governments refuse to join the talks? by Rebecca Johnson via OpenDemocracy Although most nuclear-armed governments have made a point of publicly endorsing the goal...

UK NGOs: Government is on wrong side of history boycotting ban negotiations
Today, ICAN UK sent a letter on behalf of 34 NGOs to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, emphasising our disappointment with the UK government’s current position on the ban treaty negotiations starting at the UN in New York next...

YouGov Poll: 75% of the public in favour of British government attending UN Nuclear Ban Treaty negotiations
via Pressenza 75% of UK adults think the British Government should be represented at nuclear disarmament talks due to begin at the United Nations next week. Only 9% said the Government should not attend and 16% were undecided. The opinion poll was conducted in the...

Civil Society Engagement in Disarmament Processes: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Ban

Parliamentary Briefing – Nuclear Ban Treaty – Acronym Institute Feb 2017

Historic UN vote to negotiate a Nuclear Ban Treaty in 2017
On 27 October, the UN General Assembly's Disarmament and Security Committee voted for negotiations in 2017 on a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, with momentous consequences for Trident renewal. by Rebecca Johnson via OpenDemocracy Over 71 years after atomic...
UN First Committee Resolution L.41
The UN vote will take place today, October 27th 2016. Â The UK, France and US have been at the forefront of opposition, having boycotted previous UN working groups on multilateral nuclear disarmament in 2013 and 2016, but if at least 100 UN member states vote in...

European Parliament votes support of UN nuclear prohibition treaty
The European Parliament of a Green/ALE initiated resolution on ’nuclear security and nonproliferation’ which was overwhelmingly passed today (27 Oct 2016) by 415 votes in favour, with 124 against and 74 abstentions. Article below via ICAN...

UN votes to commence nuclear ban treaty negotiations in 2017 – ICAN
by ICAN The United Nations today adopted a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament efforts. At a meeting of the...