Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 90, Spring 2009
Towards 2010 and Beyond
Challenges for the Non-Proliferation Regime and the Middle
Sameh Aboul-Enein
The nuclear non-proliferation regime is faced with profound
challenges and dynamic opportunities. This short analysis,
delivered in the closing panel of the 2009 Carnegie International
Nonproliferation Conference on "The Nuclear Order - Build or
Break", focuses on five practical steps to move forward to 2010 and
1. The 2010 Review Conference
The 2010 NPT Review Conference represents a real window of
opportunity to build on previous commitments - such as those made
in 2000 - and to take concrete steps to achieve progress towards a
nuclear weapon free world. The responsibility to achieve that lies
with all of us - nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states, members and
non-members of the NPT.
The preparatory meetings suggest there is a real willingness on
the part of many members to strengthen the treaty and achieve its
universality. We must remember today that key successes included
South Africa's historic decision to dismantle its nuclear weapons
and join the Treaty, decisions by Brazil and Argentina to roll back
their nuclear programmes and create a bilateral verification
agency, and the decisions by Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to
transfer nuclear weapons back to Russia after they seceded from the
Soviet Union. The actions by these states to give up nuclear
programmes and weapons deserve greater recognition, for they lead
the way for other states with weapons and military nuclear
programmes to follow.
Looking towards and beyond 2010, the NPT itself needs to be
strengthened. We must utilize the remaining time before the 2010
Review Conference with more focused, constructive discussions among
the key protagonists and interlocutors. We need to work towards
agreement to establish a permanent secretariat and move towards
creating an implementing organization to carry through decisions of
Conferences of States Parties, working together with the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as appropriate. We could
also consider ways to ensure continuity in the annual process and
raise the tempo, perhaps by having a fourth PrepCom.
Member states should consider ways to raise the political
profile of the NPT - how about making the upcoming NPT Review
Conference in 2010 a ministerial level meeting, for example? We
have recognized the need to think along the lines of summits on the
topics of energy, population, food, the financial crisis and
climate change. Why can't there be a Summit for a Nuclear Free
World? Such a Summit would provide a potential mechanism also to
achieve the universality of the NPT.
More than ten years ago, the foreign ministers of seven
countries - Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, South
Africa and Sweden - joined together to form the New Agenda
Coalition to give fresh impetus to the efforts to achieve progress
in nuclear disarmament. The need for such energy is as strong as
ever today. We need a revitalized New Agenda Coalition to work
closely with the Obama administration and the other nuclear weapon
states to accelerate implementation on agreed practical steps and
identify what more needs to be done.
As the vehicle for achieving this aim, we should pull together
the 13 steps from the 2000 Review Conference with the many other
practical proposals made by member states and expert groups since
2000. Balancing such initiatives will have a much better chance of
achieving global consensus. A cross-regional multilateral and
multicultural dialogue is needed for this purpose, one with a clear
objective of a world free of nuclear weapons.
2. The Conference on Disarmament
The Conference on Disarmament (CD) has a special role that it
can play in nuclear disarmament. It is a unique forum that includes
the P-5 plus the non-NPT members. It should immediately establish
an appropriate subsidiary body with a mandate to deal with nuclear
Much more could be done in Geneva. The CD has vast potential and
expertise that can make a difference if governments can summon the
necessary political will. Experts, diplomats, researchers,
nongovernmental organizations and research institutes (including
governmental ones) could do more; at least they could and should
facilitate workshops and international dialogue. They can begin
working on a genuine international collaboration.
The CD must begin negotiations on a nondiscriminatory,
multilateral, and verifiable treaty banning the production of
fissile material, based on the Shannon Mandate, with a view to
completing the text within five years so that it can be opened for
signature before the 2015 Review Conference. The deadlock over
establishing an ad hoc committee on a Fissile Materials Treaty. If
negotiations continue to be delayed, a group of experts should be
convened and technical and scientific seminars should be held to
discuss scope, definitions, transparency, accountability, and
verification issues.
In addition to reinvigorating efforts to negotiate a Fissile
Materials Treaty, the CD should consider making progress on the
- Discussion by an ad hoc group of the steps that would lead
toward systematic and progressive efforts to eliminate nuclear
- Dialogue among states that possess nuclear weapons and those
that do not on practical steps that would facilitate the
implementation of this commitment.
- Technical seminars to address issues of scope, definitions and
verification for nuclear disarmament agreements.
- Development of ad hoc exchanges to establish a precedent that
non-nuclear-weapon states have a legitimate interest and right to
question nuclear-weapon states on nuclear disarmament matters.
Yes the CD can be revived! We need to open its curtains and get
its members looking for common ground and cooperative action rather
than simply issuing position statements. We can immediately
establish several open-ended cross-regional working groups in the
CD to move priority issues forward.
3.The Middle East
The 1995 Resolution on the Middle East adopted by the NPT Review
and Extension Conference recognized the region's special status, as
did the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference. Insofar
as it pertains to the NPT, particularly its review, implementation
and universality, the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East focused on
achieving the following clear objectives:
- The establishment of a nuclear-weapon free zone in the Middle
- The accession to the NPT by states in the region that have not
yet done so.
- The placement of all nuclear facilities in the Middle East
under full-scope IAEA safeguards.
Fourteen years have elapsed since the adoption of the 1995
resolution. It is clear that impetus must be given to this agenda.
I support the suggestion that the 2010 Review Conference should
appoint a Special Coordinator whose role would be to oversee
implementation of the resolution. This will help to build
confidence that this objective - so central to the indefinite
extension of the NPT in 1995 - is being taken seriously.
Such a Coordinator could be tasked with facilitating a route to
constructive dialogue in the framework of the 1995 Middle East
resolution and to begin practical steps to convene an International
Conference in the Middle East to address both regional security and
a zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in the
Middle East with the objective of establishing a legally-binding
and internationally and effectively-verifiable treaty for such a
zone. This would be a start, but significant wider beneficial
consequences can be envisaged, for the peace process in the Middle
East, for example.
The establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle
East is a first step toward creating an effectively verifiable zone
in the Middle East that would be free of all weapons of mass
destruction - nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their
delivery systems. I encourage all to look once again at Egyptian
President Mubarak's initiative for the establishment of such a zone
in the Middle East. It has three main components.
a) The prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction - nuclear,
biological, and chemical - in all states of the Middle East.
b) All states in the region should provide assurance toward the
full implementation of this goal, in an equal and reciprocal manner
to fulfil this end.
c) Establishing proper verification measures and modalities to
ensure the compliance of all states of the region without
All states in the region must acknowledge and accept a
challenging and deep responsibility towards achieving regional
Looking forward from here, universality of the NPT is critical
to regional and global security, because states remaining outside
the Treaty fundamentally weaken it by undermining the benefits of
membership for their neighbours and by maintaining nuclear
programmes that constitute a continuing nuclear danger to their
neighbours and the rest of the world.
For 2010 and beyond, the Review Conference should seriously
consider establishing an NPT Universality Adherence Support unit to
address directly the mechanisms that will bring states outside the
treaty into the NPT as non-nuclear-weapon states.
4. Beyond the 2010 Review Conference and Nuclear Zero
We must not let the momentum slow after the NPT Review
Conference. We must keep our eyes on the goal - the elimination of
nuclear weapons and the assurance that they will never be produced
or used again. This will require the active negotiation of a
nuclear weapons convention, as called for by the UN General
Assembly, and recently endorsed by the UN Secretary General in a
speech on 24 October 2008. This is the logical conclusion to the
current campaigns for global zero, and all states need to engage
seriously with this project.
For the vision of zero to be credible, the permanent members of
the UN Security Council should take the lead at an early stage. We
have recently seen the link between disarmament and
non-proliferation explicitly acknowledged by several key statesmen
- this is to be warmly welcomed. Their action agenda must now
include verification, the progressive deep reduction of
operationally deployed strategic warheads, and a freeze in
upgrading, modernizing and replacing existing weapons.
The role of nuclear weapons in military doctrines must be
progressively and dramatically reduced as a matter of urgency, not
only to enhance strategic stability and contribute to a climate of
international confidence and security, but also to facilitate the
process of eliminating the weapons. Any plans to develop new
nuclear weapons or new uses, roles, or rationalizations for their
use must be shelved immediately.
The P-5 need to act in a coherent and coordinated manner in a
way that demonstrates they have the necessary transparent and
credible political commitment to carry through their agreed and
required undertakings.
5. Trust and the Way forward
Finally, the concept of trust remains poorly understood, yet is
central to our work on the future of nuclear disarmament and arms
control. Mutual trust is a key to any process of cooperation among
nations. Trust, in my view, is about constructive dialogue,
cross-regional exchange, reaching out, crossing bridges and
cross-cultural tolerance; it is about building mutual interests and
respect for differences.
We need a genuine and candid conversation about nuclear
disarmament between officials and experts from nuclear weapon
states and non-nuclear-weapon states. There has not been such a
conversation for a long time. We need to exploit all the
opportunities that can exist to make this happen, and to invite
into the conversation representatives of civil society who can
inject valuable information, insights and perspectives, as well as
providing bridges and discussion spaces, just like this one, that
can help break deadlocks.
Civil society has a key role to play. It raised awareness on
small arms and on cluster munitions, and before that on the need
for a comprehensive ban on all nuclear testing. NGOs have forged an
action-partnership with governments to achieve change that we are
only beginning to see the consequences of. We need to recognize the
role of civil society and integrate NGOs more effectively and
respectfully into the NPT review process - as partners with
governmental diplomacy, with a different but essential role to
Furthermore, women have an essential role in peace-making and
security-building that should be respected and supported. Women
have long played a leadership role in promoting global disarmament,
and gender perspectives can affect the way society views nuclear
weapons and pave the way for them to be devalued and abolished. The
road to total nuclear disarmament and the culture of peace must be
part of an educational and awareness programme that will require
women as well as men around the world to participate fully and
Finally, the time has come for serious people of all political
perspectives to engage in thoughtful, transparent conversations
with the clear objectives of ending current and potential
proliferation and eliminating nuclear weapons, working towards an
agreed target date, such as 2025.
Sameh Aboul-Enein is a diplomat and scholar
and contributed these views solely in his personal capacity. This
article is based on the presentation he made to the 2009 Carnegie
International Nonproliferation Conference on "The Nuclear Order -
Build or Break", held in Washington D.C. April 6-7. Dr Aboul-Enein
holds an MSc from the American University and a PhD from the
University of London and is a member of the multilateral study
group on missiles convened by the Peace Research Institute
Frankfurt (2008-11). Dr Aboul-Enein is Deputy Head of Mission at
the Egyptian Embassy in London.
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