Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 86, Autumn 2007
In the News
North Korea: Good Progress, but Obstacles Remain
Efforts to denuclearize the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (DPRK) have been progressing well since the US administration
started pursuing a more pragmatic approach, thereby enabling the
Six Party Talks to agree a Denuclearization Action Plan in February
2007.[1] A Second Phase
Agreement was reached on October 3, 2007, setting the goal of
completing "disablement" of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility
by December 31, 2007 in exchange for further supplies of heavy fuel
Potential stumbling blocks remain, with agreement still to be
reached over allegations that North Korea was pursuing a uranium
enrichment programme as well as their known plutonium reprocessing
activities. There is also vocal opposition to the deal from a few
US conservatives led by John Bolton, former neoconservative
ambassador to the United Nations, whom Bush appointed using his
recess authority to overcome the Senate's refusal to ratify
Bolton's nomination.
During the 2004 Presidential election campaign, Bush accused his
opponent John Kerry of a "naïve and dangerous" policy of
pursuing parallel bilateral talks with North Korea, claiming that
this would undermine the six party talks.[2] With Bolton and other obstructionists out of the
way, bilateral meetings have played a key role in negotiating both
the First and Second Phase Agreements. Assistant Secretary of State
Christopher Hill met his North Korean counterpart Kim Kye-gwan in
Geneva in September - one month before the Six Party meeting and
reportedly discussed the key elements of the October 3 agreement,
including that North Korea would disable its nuclear programmes by
the end of the year and that the US would take political and
economic measures including delisting North Korea from the
terrorism list and lifting sanctions.
In October, South Korea's President Roh Moo Hyun visited
Pyongyang for a summit meeting with the North's leader Kim Jong Il,
and agreed to seek talks with China and the United States on
formally ending the 1950-53 Korean War. The leaders also agreed to
open a long-closed rail line between North and South, establish a
'Peace Zone' around a much-disputed border in the Yellow Sea, and
to increase economic cooperation.[3]
Second Phase Agreement
In accordance with the First Phase Agreement, North Korea was to
disable its nuclear facilities and make a complete declaration of
its nuclear programme in return for economic, energy and
humanitarian assistance. Despite some initial delays over the
release of $25 million US funds, previously frozen due to
allegations of money laundering by the Macau-based Banco Delta
Asia, in July 2007 a team from the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) was able to visit North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear
facility and confirm that it had been shut down.[4]
Under the Second Phase Agreement, North Korea is to complete
disablement of its nuclear facilities at Yongbyon and provide a
"complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear programs" by
December 31, 2007 in exchange for the remaining 900,000 tons of
heavy fuel oil outlined in the First Phase Agreement.
The US and North Korea will continue to work to improve
bilateral relations, including increased bilateral exchanges,
beginning the process to remove North Korea's status as a state
sponsor of terrorism and the ending of sanctions, and progress
towards establishing a full diplomatic relationship in "parallel"
with North Korea's actions. The US will pay for the disablement of
Many of the details in the Second Phase Agreement remain vague.
Asked what was meant by "disablement", for example, Hill would say
only that a "list of measures" had been negotiated with the North
Koreans in the six party working group in August, that would mean
that in the event that North Korea wanted to restart its facilities
at Yonbyon it would take approximately a year to do so.[5] How the United States will verify
North Korea's claims about its nuclear programmes also remains
Uranium Enrichment Allegations
The issue of uranium enrichment remains a potential stumbling
block. In 2002, US allegations that North Korea was developing a
uranium enrichment programme precipitated the current nuclear
crisis, in which North Korea expelled IAEA inspectors and announced
its withdrawal from the NPT.
Insisting that North Korea make a "serious and credible"
declaration of all nuclear programmes by the end of this year, Hill
specified, "With respect to uranium enrichment, we do need
acknowledgement of what has gone on. We need an explanation of how
it went on and we need a disposition of any equipment involved in
uranium enrichment."[6]
The US alleges that North Korea's enrichment programme was
created with assistance from A.Q. Khan's nuclear black market and
that it has evidence that the North bought centrifuges and
aluminium tubes that could be used in such a programme in 2002.
North Korea is attempting to show that the materials it imported
were intended for conventional weapons programmes and other
dual-use projects, not for nuclear weapons.[7] A South Korean official involved in the
process appeared to accept this: "The North Koreans are now ready
to prove that they did not intend to make a uranium-enrichment
program by importing some materials... In the past, North Korea
simply said no... Now they are trying to convince us."[8]
Relations with Japan and the United States
Relations between Japan and North Korea remain strained despite
the establishment of a working group on normalization of relations
between the two countries as part of the February 2007 agreement.
In both the First and Second Phase agreements, Japan and North
Korea agree to move forward "on the basis of the settlement of the
unfortunate past and the outstanding issues of concern". Japan,
which was the only member of the six parties not to provide oil to
North Korea in the First Phase Agreement, continues to push for the
North to provide further details on the abductions of Japanese
citizens in the 1970s. North Korea allowed five of the abducted
Japanese to return home four years ago, but says that the rest have
died, a claim Japan is not prepared to accept without evidence.
In contrast, the working group on normalization between the
United States and the DPRK appears to be progressing rapidly, with
the US looking to establish greater diplomatic and cultural links
with North Korea and agreeing to begin the process of removing the
DPRK's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. In the Second
Phase Agreement the US agrees to "fulfil its commitments to the
DPRK in parallel with the DPRK's actions". This has resulted in
speculation that the US may be ready to make an announcement on
delisting North Korea and lifting sanctions around the end of this
year. US chief envoy Christopher Hill is currently keeping his
cards close to his chest stating only that, "I think we have made
some progress and I would expect all elements to move ahead by the
end of the year, but I don't want to get into the specifics of it
until we actually see where we are at the end of the year."[9]
The issue has exacerbated relations between Washington and
Tokyo, already tense due to Japan's suspension of refuelling in the
Indian Ocean for ships participating in the US-led operation in
Afghanistan. Faced with Japan's insistence that before being
delisted, North Korea must provide details and evidence on abducted
Japanese citizens, President Bush told Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda,
"We will not forget the Japanese abductees, nor their families."[10] However, he made no
commitment to keep North Korea on the list of state sponsors of
terrorism. Whilst Washington is keen not to damage relations with
its main ally in the Far East, it is also unwilling to allow
Japanese interests to drive US policy towards North Korea.
Bush Administration faces down domestic naysayers
The US also appears to be adopting a more pragmatic approach to
the issue of uranium enrichment, expressed by Hill in the following
terms: "I think the complete listing of the nuclear programs is
going to be a process. That is, I don't think it will be done in
one day. I think it will involve the DPRK giving us a draft. And
then I think there will be discussions, and there will be
adjustments to the draft. So I think it's a process that will be
completed this month, but not on this day. By that I mean that we
are not looking to somehow create a situation where we have a
crisis, where we are in a situation where we are accusing the DPRK
of not providing full disclosure. Rather, we want to work with the
DPRK so that there can be a complete understanding and a complete
clarity about these nuclear programs."[11] This does not mean that the US has abandoned its
policy objective of Complete Verifiable Irreversible Dismantlement
(CVID) but it appears now to accept that disarmament will be a
step-by-step process, with "disablement" pursued as a first step
towards dismantlement.
Conscious of conservative opposition at home, the Bush
administration has attributed the progress with North Korea to a
change of policy by China, triggered by the North Korean nuclear
test. However, Asian diplomats are reported as saying that the real
change of approach has come from the United States.
As noted above, Bolton has been one of the most vocal US
opponents of the Denuclearization Agreements, telling the New
York Times, "Republicans are brokenhearted that the
administration has done a complete U-turn on this issue".[12] In similar vein, Danielle Pletka
of the American Enterprise Institute described the agreement with
North Korea as "a new 'Mark II' version of the agreed framework,
which has considerably fewer benchmarks for the North Koreans than
the Clinton administration deal did."[13] In this, she is representing a central concern
that North Korea might just pocket the US concessions and then
renege on dismantling its facilities and giving up its plutonium
Some opposition has also been raised by conservatives on Capitol
Hill. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Representative
Peter Hoekstra (Republican - Michigan) and Representative Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen (Republican - Florida), linked their criticism of the
deal with North Korea with calls on the administration to disclose
information about a reported Israeli airstrike in September against
a site in Syria suspected of being a nuclear facility that had been
equipped by the North Korean regime. The administration, they
wrote, has "thrown an unprecedented veil of secrecy around the
Israeli airstrike".[14]
As this edition of Disarmament Diplomacy goes to press US
envoy Christopher Hill is on his way to Pyongyang for further
bilateral talks to be followed by a six party plenary expected to
take place in Beijing. Further coverage of the talks will be
available on the Acronym Institute
[1] Full details of the
Denuclearisation Action Plan are available in Disarmament Diplomacy No. 84, Spring
[2] Glenn Kessler, 'To
Reach Pact With N. Korea, Bush Adopted an Approach He Had
Criticized', Washington Post, October 4, 2007.
[3] Blaine Harden, 'Koreas
Seek a Formal Peace Treaty', Washington Post, October 4,
[4] 'IAEA Team Confirms
Shutdown of DPRK Nuclear Facilities', IAEA website, www.iaea.org, July 18, 2007.
[5] 'Press Conference at
Japan National Press Club', Christopher R. Hill, Assistant
Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Tokyo, Japan November
3, 2007.
[6] 'North Korea to submit
nuclear list in days: U.S. envoy', Reuters, November 29, 2007.
[7] Glenn Kessler, 'N.
Korea Offers Evidence to Rebut Uranium Claims', Washington
Post, November 10, 2007.
[8] Glenn Kessler, 'N.
Korea Offers Evidence to Rebut Uranium Claims', Washington
Post, November 10, 2007.
[9] 'Press Availability
With Director-General Kenichiro Sasae of Japan', Christopher R.
Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
Tokyo, State Department website, www.state.gov, November 28, 2007.
[10] Peter Baker,
'Japanese Premier Visits White House to Reinforce Strained Ties',
Washington Post, November 17, 2007.
[11] 'Press Availability
With Director-General Kenichiro Sasae of Japan', Christopher R.
Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
Tokyo, State Department website, www.state.gov, November 28, 2007.
[12] Mark Mazzetti and
William J. Broad, 'The Right Confronts Rice Over North Korea
Policy', New York Times, October 25, 2007.
[13] Danielle Pletka,
'Diplomacy with the Devil', New York Times, November 19,
[14] Mark Mazzetti and
William J. Broad, 'The Right Confronts Rice Over North Korea
Policy', New York Times, October 25, 2007.
Nicola Butler
Six Party Talks (October 3 Agreement):
Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the September 2005
Joint Statement
The Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China released
the following joint statement on October 3, 2007:
The Second Session of the Sixth Round of the Six-Party Talks was
held in Beijing among the People's Republic of China, the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, the Republic of
Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America from
27 to 30 September 2007.
Mr. Wu Dawei, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, Mr.
Kim Gye-Gwan, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, Mr.
Kenichiro Sasae, Director-General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Chun Yung-woo, Special
Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs of
the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Alexander
Losyukov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation, and Mr. Christopher Hill, Assistant Secretary for East
Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Department of State of the United
States, attended the talks as heads of their respective
Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei chaired the talks.
The Parties listened to and endorsed the reports of the five
Working Groups, confirmed the implementation of the initial actions
provided for in the February 13 agreement, agreed to push forward
the Six-Party Talks process in accordance with the consensus
reached at the meetings of the Working Groups and reached agreement
on second-phase actions for the implementation of the Joint
Statement of September 19, 2005, the goal of which is the
verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful
I. On Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
1. The DPRK agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities
subject to abandonment under the September 2005 Joint Statement and
the February 13 agreement.
The disablement of the 5 megawatt Experimental Reactor at
Yongbyon, the Reprocessing Plant (Radiochemical Laboratory) at
Yongbyon and the Nuclear Fuel Rod Fabrication Facility at Yongbyon
will be completed by 31 December 2007. Specific measures
recommended by the expert group will be adopted by heads of
delegation in line with the principles of being acceptable to all
Parties, scientific, safe, verifiable, and consistent with
international standards. At the request of the other Parties, the
United States will lead disablement activities and provide the
initial funding for those activities. As a first step, the US side
will lead the expert group to the DPRK within the next two weeks to
prepare for disablement.
2. The DPRK agreed to provide a complete and correct declaration
of all its nuclear programs in accordance with the February 13
agreement by 31 December 2007.
3. The DPRK reaffirmed its commitment not to transfer nuclear
materials, technology, or know-how.
II. On Normalization of Relations between Relevant
1. The DPRK and the United States remain committed to improving
their bilateral relations and moving towards a full diplomatic
relationship. The two sides will increase bilateral exchanges and
enhance mutual trust. Recalling the commitments to begin the
process of removing the designation of the DPRK as a state sponsor
of terrorism and advance the process of terminating the application
of the Trading with the Enemy Act with respect to the DPRK, the
United States will fulfil its commitments to the DPRK in parallel
with the DPRK's actions based on consensus reached at the meetings
of the Working Group on Normalization of DPRK-U.S. Relations.
2. The DPRK and Japan will make sincere efforts to normalize
their relations expeditiously in accordance with the Pyongyang
Declaration, on the basis of the settlement of the unfortunate past
and the outstanding issues of concern. The DPRK and Japan committed
themselves to taking specific actions toward this end through
intensive consultations between them.
III. On Economic and Energy Assistance to the DPRK
In accordance with the February 13 agreement, economic, energy
and humanitarian assistance up to the equivalent of one million
tons of HFO (inclusive of the 100,000 tons of HFO already
delivered) will be provided to the DPRK. Specific modalities will
be finalized through discussion by the Working Group on Economy and
Energy Cooperation.
IV. On the Six-Party Ministerial Meeting
The Parties reiterated that the Six-Party Ministerial Meeting
will be held in Beijing at an appropriate time.
The Parties agreed to hold a heads of delegation meeting prior
to the Ministerial Meeting to discuss the agenda for the
Source: US Department of State, www.state.gov.
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